
The Dutch Tales #1: Sorry, I don't speak bicycle

This week the first “unit” of my masters in the Netherlands ended and so I guess it’s about time to start writing down the impressions about my new home. Even though you most likely won’t experience a culture shock if you’re moving to a place reachable within two hours by a plane from your home country, you will always encounter differences and bump into things that surprise you. But that’s fine - or what’s more it’s actually amazing!

You get to learn about the country that you’re in even when you expect it the least - like for example while grocery shopping. I have been spending ages in supermarkets even when I only need a bread, because I am simply fascinated by some of the stuff they sell. I have learned that the Dutch love their carton boxes - back home we put milk in them and that’s kind of it, but here… Here they put everything in them! They have a box with 1 litre of yoghurt of any flavour you could possibly think of and as if that isn’t enough, you can even buy sugar in a carton box! Not gonna lie though, I do find that pretty handy. :)

The university logo "sculpture" on campus and a throwback to when I still had blonde-ish hair and my Asia tan.